Live, Later, or Lurking, It Is All Love

Urgot is a marksman champion in League of Legends who excels in crowd control and area-of-effect damage. He has a unique kit that allows him to swap positions with enemy champions, making him a formidable opponent in both 1v1 and team fights. His E, “Purge,” is a powerful stun that can turn the tide of a fight, and his ultimate, “Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser,” can be used to initiate fights or disrupt enemy formations. Urgot’s passive, “Echoing Flames,” provides a decent amount of sustain in lane and allows him to pressure his enemies with consistent damage. However, Urgot is a high skill cap champion and can be difficult to play effectively. He also has low mobility, making him vulnerable to ganks and dives. Overall, Urgot is a strong pick for players who enjoy playing tanky marksmen and mastering crowd control.

Here’s how you can play Urgot:

Urgot is a marksman champion in League of Legends who requires precise timing and map awareness to play effectively. 

1 Lane Phase: Urgot is a strong laner, but can be vulnerable to early ganks. Try to play passively in the early game and focus on last-hitting minions with your auto-attacks and Q, “Corrosive Charge.” When the opportunity presents itself, use your E, “Purge,” to stun enemy champions and follow up with an auto-attack and Q.

2 Team Fighting: Urgot excels in team fights, where his crowd control and damage can be devastating. Use your ultimate, “Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser,” to initiate fights by swapping positions with enemy champions and stunning them. Try to target squishy champions first, and follow up with your E and Q to maximize your damage.

3 Map Awareness: Urgot’s mobility is low, so it’s important to always be aware of the enemy jungler’s location. Try to ward the river and use your W, “Disdain,” to escape from dangerous situations.

4 Item Build: Urgot benefits from items that provide armor, health, and attack speed, such as Sunfire Cape, Dead Man’s Plate, and Guardian Angel. Consider building Trinity Force for additional burst damage and mobility.

5 Communication: Urgot is a strong champion in team fights, so communicate with your team to coordinate engages and target priority.

Remember, Urgot is a high skill cap champion and requires practice to master. Focus on improving your mechanical skill and game sense to fully utilize Urgot’s potential. Good luck!